Hey there! I'm Hope, Digital Marketing Strategist and Business Coach


Self-proclaimed introvert and total book nerd. Ask me about the time I lived in a hut in the mountains ;)

A little bit about me...
I started my own business when I was 12 with my brothers

We called it 3D solutions and it was supposed to fund our trip to Germany (Which it did), but it became a huge success and helped put me through college and fund many of my other travels.

I quit my side hustle when I graduated college and got a "career" job, but I quickly realized I missed running my own business.

so I did what any sane person would do and quit my job, started traveling Europe, and picked up Virtual assistant work.

I fell in love with marketing and research and found my purpose living vicariously through other business owners.

All of my clients had asked for help with digital marketing, so I thought, why the heck not! I'll give it a try!

And guess what? I LOVED it!

Digital marketing is a broad and ever-changing field so I sought mentorship with Ashley Brock, a social media strategist who has had 8 years of experience working for small businesses spending $10/day on ads to Fortune 500 companies who spend $100k/day on ads.

I have had the privilege of working with 2 start-up companies, and businesses in all kinds of industries including food and beverage, entertainment, gifting, and health coaching.

I am also in the process of creating marketing courses for small business owners who cannot afford to outsource their digital marketing needs yet.